I use only free resources and tools that don't require registration.
- WIKIPEDIA - this is by far the best encyclopedia ever. When I need to find an entry level information about any subject this is the first place I start looking at.
- STACKOVERFLOW - great programming forum, very professional and well moderated. I did find in many occasions very good answers to my questions.
- DZONE - programming resources and latest programming news
- JAVA ALLTOP - Java programming news
- CYBERCITI- Linux blog
- JAVA LANGUAGE SPECIFICATIONS - all Java language specifications
- APACHE - Java open source projects
- APACHE MAVEN - Apache Maven website
- DVLPRS - famous programmers blogs and tweets
- SLASHDOT - technology related news website
- REDDIT - social news website, I read mostly compsci
- CPLUSPLUS - C++ online resource
- GOOGLE C++ GUIDE - interesting C++ guide
- DEV GURU- JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, Server-side reference
- W3C WEBED WIKI (this site has a self-teaching curriculum as well as reference material): HTML, CSS reference
- W3C SPECIFICATIONS: HTML4, HTML5, CSS, DOM Tech Reports reference
- DEVGURU- JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, Server-side reference
- OWASP PROJECT - the open web application security project
- WIKI MOZILLA SECURE CODING GUIDELINES - web security guidelines by Mozilla
- DEVELOPER YAHOO SECURITY - web security guidelines by Mozilla
- PYTHON - Python official website
- INTRODUCTION TO ALGORITHMS - iTunes introduction to algorithms lectures from MIT University but one can find many free lectures related to programming
- POSTGRESQL - Postgres official website
- W3SCHOOLS - SQL tutorial and tutorials to most web technologies
- SQLOPTIMIZATIONSSCHOOL - tutorial on SQL optimization
- LDAP GURU - LDAP programming guidelines
- DOFACTORY DESIGN PATTERNS - design pattern tutorial
- GOOGLE CODE UNIVERSITY - sample course content and tutorials for Computer Science
- OHLOH - software directory, combining community-driven content with a unique source code crawler that monitors up-to-date development activity.
- FINDJAR - JAR search engine
- DOWNRIGHTNOW - popular services status
- GOOGLE - best search engine
- WOLFRAMALPHA - computational knowledge